נטורופתית, מתקשרת, טיפולים אישיים,
מורה ומאמנת רוחנית, מרצה וסופרת
מנחה מעגלי העצמה
“When you find yourself in times of change, you must open your consciousness to the process of change in your thinking, so you will be able to take care of your body, spirit and soul.” – received during channeling
The book, Meaning of Life – Game Rules of the New Age, contains information received during channeling. Its purpose is to sharpen important understandings which are connected to life itself, focusing on the importance of connecting to one’s inner happiness, which is a vital part of one’s life.
In ten lessons, the book explains the reason we came into this world and how to create change within consciousness. It explains how to take care of oneself and how to understand the meaning of life – how to be truly happy and succeed.
This book gives the reader therapeutic tools and solutions for all desired changes of consciousness, in order to find the right, individual path and understand the reasons behind the most important moments in life.
This book explains how to be exact, so that we are able find the meaning in life and how to connect with inner happiness, which leads to success.
ליצירת קשר
חיותה אפשטיין-מורה רוחנית- www.hayutaep.com © כל הזכויות שמורות
אימון רוחני, טיפולים בתקשור, וסדנאות להתפתחות רוחנית כתובת: נורדאו 30, פתח תקוה טלפון:052-2802867