נטורופתית, מתקשרת, טיפולים אישיים,
מורה ומאמנת רוחנית, מרצה וסופרת
מנחה מעגלי העצמה
The deck contains 70 cards which offer different guiding
messages meant to stand by you at any moment.
The role of the cards is to treat, to inspire awareness to
support, to guide, focus your way of thinking, and answer
questions which may arise in different areas to help improve
the quality of your life.
These cards are energetic, have the power to heal and the
power to promote processes of change since they speak to
the consciousness of your soul, to the higher-self that seeks
healing energy and emotional strength.
Shuffle the deck of cards face down, and draw a card by
intuition or the guidance of a question. Each card is a mirror
that reflects your current state, or the energetic state you wish
to reach. It is recommended to draw up to three cards. The full
answer will be revealed to you by the cards that you drew.
Read the messages that the cards transpire, until you feel an
inner strength. Make these messages a mantra that develops
your consciousness, and a thought that creates a new reality.
These cards are designed for anyone who seeks to enrich
his world and develop his self-awareness, and for anyone
who wishes to change his way of thinking to find the point of
happiness in life.
ליצירת קשר
חיותה אפשטיין-מורה רוחנית- www.hayutaep.com © כל הזכויות שמורות
אימון רוחני, טיפולים בתקשור, וסדנאות להתפתחות רוחנית כתובת: נורדאו 30, פתח תקוה טלפון:052-2802867